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“Proudly Serving the Monrovia & Pasadena Area Since 2003“
(626) 394-9641

UV Water Disinfection to Remove Bacteria in Monrovia & Pasadena Area

UV light

UV (ultraviolet) water purification is a chemical-free, cost-effective and efficient way to ensure your water is free of harmful bacteria.

If you are unsure of the microbiological quality of your source water or if you are looking for additional security from your municipal water source, then North Brothers Plumbing has the solution for residential UV systems.

UV technology is proven to control microbiological (bacteria & virus) issues in water including E.coli, Cryptosporidium and Giardia lamblia. Our systems provide the ultimate in UV protection for your home.

With a professional staff and certified water treatment experts, you’ll enjoy peace of mind knowing your water is safe throughout the whole home!

Fill out the form below or call (626) 394-9641 for more information & a free quote!

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